Florida Man Finds Iguana in His Toilet for the Third Time This Year

Florida Man Finds Iguana in His Toilet for the Third Time This Year

In a bizarre and recurring ordeal, a man in Florida has found an iguana in his toilet for the third time this year. The man, who lives in West Palm Beach, says that the latest incident occurred early in the morning when he lifted the toilet lid only to find a large iguana staring back at him. Startled but not entirely surprised, he quickly closed the lid and called a local wildlife removal service.

The iguanas, which are not native to Florida but have become increasingly common, are known for their ability to enter homes through plumbing systems. The homeowner, who wishes to remain anonymous, shared that the first time it happened, he was in complete shock. “It’s not every day you find an iguana in your toilet,” he remarked. “But three times? It’s like they’ve claimed my bathroom as their own.”

Wildlife experts explain that during colder months, iguanas seek warmth and often enter homes through pipes in search of a cozy spot. This can lead to unexpected encounters, like the one experienced by the unfortunate West Palm Beach resident.

The man has since installed a special cover over his toilet to prevent further surprises. He also advises others in the area to be cautious, especially during colder periods when iguanas are more likely to seek refuge indoors.

This odd occurrence has become a local talking point, with neighbors joking about the man’s “iguana magnet” home. While the situation might seem funny in hindsight, the homeowner admits it’s not something he wishes to experience again.

By is3lh

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